It's amazing how quickly we move from one position to the next. Throughout our lives we change friends, the music we listen to, the jobs we have, and our positions on sports teams and culture.
Sex is no different.
We've found that through exploration and freely communicating with one another, our position on different aspects of our sexual life has changed as well. By keeping an open mind we've allowed ourselves to find true pleasure, to enjoy more of ourselves, and to do so more freely. Just a few years ago I never would have imagined walking into the bathroom and seeing her masturbating in the shower. Now it's something that happens every couple of weeks. There is no shame, no embarrassment, or concern. She will happily finish on her own or ask me to watch or help out. The same goes for me. At one time I would have never thought about using a prostate toy but find myself asking her to slide in my Aneros during oral sex. We've explored each other's desire to be watched while masturbating and having sex and have talked about starting a Fansly or OnlyFans page at some point in the very near future.

By exploring our curiosities and talking to each other in our relationship, we've become more satisfied sexually and have grown more comfortable sharing our wants and our fantasies. It's been empowering, exciting, and really fun and it has brought us closer together.
Keep exploring, be understanding, and keep those lines of communication open and clear. You never know where it might lead you!
Oh, and keep an eye on this page for a possible launch announcement...